Fall 2024

Scenes of Birth and Death in 19th-century Afro Latin America

Ingrid Brioso Rieumont, Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Dartmouth College星期三,2024年10月9日
4:30 – 6:00pm
Reese Room, Smith House

Join us Wednesday, October 9, at 4:30 pm at Smith House as Dr. Brioso, 分享她在拉丁美洲废奴主义文学及其对黑人生死的生动描绘方面的专业知识. Dr. 布里奥索将讨论她对非裔巴西作家约阿希姆·玛丽亚·马查多·德·阿西斯和古巴小说家西ilo Villaverde的研究.



  • WHEN每月的第一个星期四
  • FILMS:
    1. Mar adentro – Sept. 5th
    2. Goyo – Oct. 3rd
    3. No – Nov. 7th
    4. Pelo malo – Dec. 5th
  • WHERE: Seabury N 130
  • TIME: 4:30 PM
  • 将提供小吃


Meet the faculty; talk to students who had studied abroad in Spanish speaking countries; explore our major and minor; learn about La Voz Latina and about our Spanish film series:

  • Tuesday, October 1st
  • 12:00:1:30 PM
  • Underground Café
  • Pizza and beverages (coffee, tea, hot choc) provided by Hispanic Studies



Spring 2024


Tuesday, April 16, 2024
via Zoom

Marjorie Agosín is known for her poetry 这传达了人类经验的核心, especially those impacted by historical and cultural circumstances relevant to human rights. Agosín因其文学贡献和作为人权倡导者的贡献而获得多项荣誉和荣誉. Notably, 她曾荣获珍妮特·兰金人权奖和联合国人权领袖奖. And was bestowed with the Gabriela Mistral Medal for Lifetime Achievement by the Chilean government.


This event kicks off the 25th anniversary of the Human Rights Program. 感谢Christina Bleyer(大学图书管理员), Associate Vice President of Libraries and Digital Learning; Director of Special Collections and Archives, Watkinson图书馆),下周在Raether图书馆(大厅)会有一个图书展览,重点展示我们收藏的关于Marjorie Agosín的书籍. The exhibit also highlights Chilean artist María Verónica San Martín who has shown her work at Trinity in the past.

Spanish Film Thursdays Presents

Location: SEABURY 130
TIME: 4:30

February 1, 2024
Synopsis:In 1972, 乌拉圭空军571航班, 包租一个橄榄球队飞往智利, catastrophically crashes on a glacier in the heart of the Andes. 45名乘客中只有16人幸免于难,他们发现自己身处世界上最恶劣的环境之一, 他们被迫采取极端手段以求生存. (IMDb)

March 7, 2024

100 días con la Tata / 100 Days With Tata (西班牙,2021年)[纪录片]
Directed by: Miguel Ángel Muñoz
Synopsis目前位置演员米格尔Ángel Muñoz的父母不得不求助于“塔塔”(路易莎坎特罗饰)在他们工作的时候照顾他们的儿子. Since then, Tata (97) and Miguel Ángel (38) have never been separated. 但在塔塔出现了一些健康问题之后, 米格尔Ángel意识到他们的爱情故事可能会结束,并决定执行所有的事情,他有等待与她:一个公路旅行, 了解路易莎的身世,甚至一起拍电影. An adventure that is interrupted by the arrival of the pandemic. A twist that, far from saddening them, will make both of them more united and enjoy more than ever 100 days together in the 35m2 apartment. But it will also force Miguel to face his greatest fear: separation from the most important person in his life. (FILMAFFINITY)

April 4, 2024
La lengua de las mariposas / Butterfly (Spain, 1999)
Directed by: José Luis Cuerda
Synopsis: For Moncho, 那是田园诗般的一年:他开始上学了, 他有一位很棒的老师, 他在罗克交了朋友, 他开始了解厄洛斯的一些奥秘, and, with his older brother, 一个崭露头角的萨克斯手, 他和乐队一起从加利西亚的小镇出发. But it’s also the year that the Spanish Republic comes under fire from Fascist rebels. Moncho’s father is a Republican as is the aging teacher, Don Gregorio. 双方势均力敌,权力明显落在一方手中, the forces of fear, violence, and betrayal alter profoundly what should be the pleasure of coming of age. (imdb.com)

Fall 2023

图书庆祝与对话: Asaltos al escenario: Humor, género e historia en el teatro de Sabina Berman

2023年12月6日,星期三 4:15 pm


Hispanic Studies is hosting a public presentation in English of the book Asaltos al escenario: Humor, género e historia en el teatro de Sabina Berman (冲击舞台:幽默, Gender, and History in the Theater of Sabina Berman) written by  Priscilla Meléndez.

Sabina Berman (1955) is a well-known Mexican-Jewish writer who has penned novels, poetry, plays (for which she has received the most prestigious theater awards in Mexico), and is also a cultural icon through her television interview programs, among them, Largo aliento. 在《博彩平台网址大全》中,melsamendez探讨了Berman(1955)如何面对她的国家的历史,并通过幽默的方式将其社会和政治危机带到戏剧中, gender, and history. Through an analysis of eight works (seven plays and one film script), 梅尔萨姆德斯关注的是伯曼创造戏剧世界的能力,在这个世界里,幽默与崇高并存,同时又相互碰撞, 同时揭示了贯穿于个人或国家的社会历史现实中的快乐和痛苦, 以及通过戏剧小说本身. 伯曼的戏剧通过将历史人物戏剧化,如Hernán cortsamas,来完成它的关键项目, Molière and Racine, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Pancho Villa, Leon Trotski, 以及征服墨西哥等事件和概念, the Inquisition, the Mexican Revolution, 刺杀托洛茨基, machismo, feminicides, and narcotrafficking. In addition to the Preface and Introduction, the book is divided into two parts:

Part 1: Humor, Caricature, and Sex on the World’s Stage: From Colonial Suffering to Revolutionary “Pleasure”

Part 2: Mexican Historical Crises and the Culture of Death: From the Inquisition to Drug Trafficking

我们将邀请到弗吉尼亚理工大学的杰奎琳·比克斯勒教授(《博彩平台网址大全》杂志编辑)和雪城大学的盖尔·布尔曼教授, 谁将参加这本书的展示. 我们确信,博彩平台网址大全社区将从这本以萨比娜·伯曼戏剧为中心的书的讨论中受益.

Spanish Film Thursdays Presents

Location: SEABURY 130
TIME: 4:30

October 5
Directed by Santiago Mitre Starring: Ricardo Darín, Peter Lanzani,

‘Argentina, 《博彩平台网址大全》的灵感来自胡里奥·斯特拉塞拉的真实故事, Luis Moreno Ocampo in their David-vs-Goliath battle to prosecute Argentina’s bloodiest military dictatorship.

November 2
La Celestina(西班牙,1996)
Directed by Gerardo Vera
主演:pensamlope Cruz, Juan Diego Botto, Maribel Verdú,
Terele Pávez, Jordi mollcom

The young nobleman Calisto falls in love with Melibea, the daughter of a rich merchant. Calisto’s servant Sempronio suggests they get the sorceress Celestina to further the romance.

December 7
La jaula de oro(墨西哥,2013年)

Juan, Sara, and Samuel, 三个来自危地马拉贫民窟的青少年, 去美国寻找更好的生活. Traveling together in freight trains and walking on railroad tracks, they soon have to face an odyssey that will change their lives forever.



Dangremond Family Commons
5:00-6:00 PM

  • 来见见我们的专业学生和辅修学生以及我们的老师.
  • 了解学习的机会,
  • Career paths
  • La Voz Latina.
  • And enjoy good food.


Orientation with Prof. 克劳迪奥González恰拉蒙特

Seabury 215

查找有关的详细信息 Spanish Study Abroad Middlebury Program 在布宜诺斯艾利斯和乌拉圭

  • Buenos Aires- Tango & 身份(明德计划) & uba - Filosofía与Letras学院
  • 布宜诺斯艾利斯公共卫生局 & 哥伦比亚大学社会科学学院
  • 蒙得维的亚-神经科学大学. de la República-Facultad de Psicología & ORT University
  • 蒙得维的亚-建筑(乌拉圭体育大学)


Spring 2023


Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Common Hour
Reese Room, Smith House

Paula Ansaldo is a theatre historian who specializes in Latin American Jewish theatre and culture. She holds a Ph.D. in History and Theory of Arts from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). 她目前是哈佛大学犹太研究中心的哈利·斯塔尔犹太博士后研究员. 她的文章曾在 拉丁美洲戏剧评论, 《博彩平台网址大全》, Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevo和Anagnórisis. Her book “Broyt mit Teater”. Historia del Teatro Judío en Argentina/A History of Jewish Theatre in Argentina will be published in 2023 by EUDEBA, University of Buenos Aires Press. 她的研究得到了阿根廷国家科学研究委员会(CONICET)的资助。, 福特汉姆大学-纽约公共图书馆, 科英布拉集团大学, YIVO犹太研究所, 美国哲学学会, 以及犹太文化纪念基金会.


拉丁美洲电影系列: Jueves de Cine

 由joss Carlos Díaz Zanelli ([email protected])和卡米拉·托雷斯-卡斯特罗([email protected])

The Hispanic Division of the Department of 语言文化研究 offers the Latin American film series Jueves de Cine 旨在向博彩平台网址大全的学生推广西班牙语和拉丁美洲文化,并为他们提供一个丰富多样的智力和文化形成空间. 下面所选的电影和节目提供了一个多样化的, intercultural, and critical perspective of the current Latin American reality. Furthermore, these films are a great opportunity to provide linguistic and cultural exposure to Latin American social diversity.

February 2, 2023; 4:30pm; Seabury S-201
“Los tiburones,” 导演:Lucía加里波第(乌拉圭-阿根廷,2019)
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf3KuDWe3VA

March 2, 2023; 4:30pm; Seabury S-201
“Nudo Mixteco,”
导演:Ángeles Cruz(墨西哥,2021).
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1Aq8v51L0c&t=14s

April 6, 2023; 4:30pm; Seabury S-201
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOJSDxdrvdE

May 4, 2023; 4:30pm; Seabury S-201
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J414mkEnDf0


March 7, 2023
4:30 PM-6:00 PM

Join us for a conversation with Mexican novelist Yuri Herrera. Participating in the round table are professors Priscilla Meléndez, Diana Aldrete, Sara Kippur, and Gabriel Salgado.

Fall 2022

帕特里卡·赞加罗的《杜达的提议》. 由hsp -319的学生表演


This play is about the search for truth in Argentina after a turbulent period of political repression, that is, the euphemistically called Process of National Reconstruction, or more clearly, 从1976年到1983年的肮脏战争. 据估计,大约有30人,在那些年里,000人死亡或失踪,特别是那些愿意为国家牺牲的年轻活动家, and many did. In the process, 当时有很多怀孕的年轻女性, 被绑架,孩子在囚禁中出生. 在军政府的庇护下,这些孩子被秘密交给支持政权的家庭,他们长大后不知道自己的真实身份. 著名的五月广场的祖母们——她们仍然每周四聚集在一起,要求为她们失踪的孩子伸张正义——发起了一项运动,通过DNA测试找到并识别她们的孙子孙女. A propósito de la duda portrays this search for justice and truth as Grandmothers confront the false parents, the accomplices who argued that they were just following orders, and the children/now adults who are trying to understand who they are.


“Scoring Failure: Reflections on Technobanda and Death” by Camila Torres-Castro

Dangremond Family Commons

This presentation examines how the rise of technobanda in Mexico, a once-experimental genre that draws from techno music and banda music, 在不知不觉中成为墨西哥历史上的分水岭:总统候选人路易斯·多纳尔多·科罗西奥被谋杀(1994年). This tragedy, 许多人认为这是墨西哥政治中的关键事件, is now immortalized in a YouTube video that has become a cult audiovisual product, 这是这个国家最终命运的预兆. 这项研究分析了音乐和图像的融合如何创造了一种已经嵌入墨西哥媒体意识的失败的视听修辞. Drawing from Alexander Weheliye’s conceptualization of “phonographies” (2005)—where he ties sound, technology, 以及黑人文化——作为方法论, colsio的视频被置于“声音事件”的分析范畴内,认为它的存在和持续引用提出了一种民族主义的声音体验, failure, and neoliberalism.

“哥伦比亚抗议和异议的表现:对丹尼尔·费雷拉的Rebelión de los officicios inútiles的围困状态的反思”,作者:卡洛斯·Gardeazábal布拉沃

Rittenberg Lounge

本次演讲将探讨抗议的写照和例外的状态在当代哥伦比亚文学. 卡洛斯将专注于丹尼尔·费雷拉的小说 Rebelión de los officicios inútiles 《博彩平台网址大全》(2014), 通过以土地所有权为中心的历史情节,展示了它如何打破了人权叙事的既定阅读协议及其情感语法, the state of exception, and its connections with the right to protest and freedom of expression. 这一探索强调了Rebelión如何无视哥伦比亚过去和现在基本人权斗争背后的暴力历史中的某些比喻, including a dialogue of Ferreira’s work with Colombia’s Truth Commission. 这部小说将国民阵线和人民军Días作为哥伦比亚当前关于历史记忆争论的残余来源. 卡洛斯将解释费雷拉的小说如何抵制哥伦比亚(和拉丁美洲)文化市场中暴力和记忆的情感商业化,同时表现受害者和英雄等传统人物之外的不感兴趣的主题.

(Co-Sponsored by Human Rights, Hispanic Studies, Dept of 语言文化研究 & International Studies)